Website Linking Basics 101

You need links so that the search engines can find you. Some believe that the more links you have the higher you will rank in search engine results. This is true to a point. But think about this:

Think Like a Search Engine.

Search Engines are in the business of satisfying their customers. They can't do that if the results they show are not useful. Consider if it is relevant to have a link to a casino site from Search engines don't think it is. Search engines ARE penalizing sites that look like they are link farms.

Learn to Spot Good Linking.

A link that comes from an authoritative site with a page rank of at least 9 is super. These are top search engines, directories, or sites like PBS, CNN, or BBC. The better the site the more you should do to get a link from it. Pay for these links if you have to and exchange links with these top "White Listed" sites. Search engines don't penalize you for linking back to a site like this no matter how off topic it is.

Learn to Spot Bad Linking.

A link from a site that isn't listed or that has been black-listed by the search engines is as bad as it gets. Always check any site in the search engines before agreeing to exchange links. A "link node" or link pages with about a hundred other links and from sites with a low page rank will hurt you.

Submit your Site to the Top Directories.

Do not list your site to every directory in the world. Submit your site to the major directories then to all the directories that have something to do with your website like casino directories.

Link with Relevant Sites.

Links to and from unrelated sites will not help the search engines keep their customers happy. There is no reason for an artificial link to come from if I have a gambling site. I'll take a one-way natural link from them if they use this article on their web master page but I will not do a link exchange with them.

Build your Links Slowly.

Do not use a link exchange service. Do not pay anyone to find links for you. Go it slow and you will be able to establish quality links. Too many links too soon is a red flag for the search engines.

Think Profits Before Links.

It's not worth a thing if you get hundreds of links to your site and there is nothing that is going to sell the visitors or make them click. Your are better off working on your site to generate sales.

Think Content Before Links.

Good content will improve your ranking in the search engines and encourage your visitors to click. You receive more targeted traffic if you write something about changes to NETeller, for example, than if you spent time exchanging your links with You may get even more if someone puts your article on their website with an appropriate link.

There is a lot more to linking, but remember some basic rules: